in another time

美 [ɪn əˈnʌðər taɪm]英 [ɪn əˈnʌðə(r) taɪm]
  • 网络在另一个时间
in another timein another time
  1. Don 't waste your time trying to live in another time and place .


  2. Love is the thing that you can control at one time and you can 't control in another time .


  3. Need to schedule meetings with someone in another time zone ? Just add a second zone .


  4. The ancient one showed her the ancient city of Thule as it once existed in another time and place .


  5. She said young people did a lot of things during the Depression and the war that people in another time might disapprove of .


  6. But I know why they were perfect : My mom was a college-educated housewife who in another time might have been a naturalist or a historian .


  7. BARKING orders works if you 're the boss , but what hope is there for a lesser mortal asking favours from a teammate in another time zone , for example ?


  8. He wondered aloud if the membership of the G8 is too restrictive , saying it is time to re-evaluate the need for institutions that emerged - as he put it - " in another time and place . "


  9. If someone foolishly fell into a black hole , will they be crushed by its immense gravity , as most physicists believe , or will they be propelled into a parallel universe or emerge in another time era ?


  10. In another year 's time , three extra steps .


  11. In another month 's time she 'll have been studying here for three years .


  12. In another month 's time Mr Henry will have been teaching here for exactly thirty years .


  13. In another ten years time who can say what we 'll find what lies waiting down the line in the end of eighty-nine .


  14. Perhaps * we 'll meet again in another game , another time .


  15. Are there any parallel cases similar to our experience in another space at another time throughout the global history ?


  16. But those seeds may contain traits that will prove advantageous in another place or another time .


  17. At trial , he raises an alibi defense that he was in another city at the time of the crime .


  18. Maybe everyone has short memories about what happened in Vietnam which was another time when the US thought it had the right to rule the Pacific .


  19. evidence that proves that a person was in another place at the time of a crime and so could not have committed it an excuse for sth that you have done wrong To make an excuse for oneself


  20. This numerical blind spot remains even when the deal clearly favours the discounted product . In another experiment , this time on his undergraduates , Mr Rao offered two deals on loose coffee beans : 33 % extra free or 33 % off the price .


  21. Cases'procedure of PTBD and ERCP butt joint were in one time , and 5 cases in another time ;


  22. I suspect that he played not cruel , with a knife cut in his wrist and twice in another , this time is the artery , his family could be my white bedding soaked in blood flow .
